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Verbleekte Herinneringen

Graphic novel debuut met 3 korte verhalen losjes gebaseerd op mijn jeugd:

'Ooievaarskuitenvet', 'de Autorit' en 'Bout'. Klein leed en klein geluk in 48 pagina's.


Te koop bij:

Verbleekte Herinneringen

€ 7,00Prijs


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    As soon as I was able hold a pencil you could find me drawing at the dinner table. However it took me another 40 years before I made my debut as a graphic novelist.

    As a narrative artist I yearn to create stories that move people. I hope to achieve this by searching for the 'great' in the 'small', for the 'extraordinary' in the 'ordinary'.

    I try to catch all this in a crisp and clean style for which

    I am indebted to artists I deeply admire: Yves Chaland, Joost Swarte, Seth and Chris Ware.


    For any information, please contact:

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    © 2020 by Erik de Graaf. Proudly created with

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